the Droid X2 I was pretty excited because the original was a great phone, that is until the Gingerbread update that was installed but that’s neither here nor there. Well it seemed that the X2 came and went with little luster from what I remember, even though Verizon is still selling them. I believe that this was in part due to the fact that it was really difficult to customize in the beginning and partly due to the fact that Motorola over did it on new handsets in 2011. So the X2 really didn’t see any exciting news in terms of rooting and developing, even after the one-click method was released. However that is no longer the case as XDA forum member dragonzkiller has been able to successfully get CM7.2 working on the handset. It comes with the following features:
•Full Theme Support For Every Aspect of Your Phone
•Incognito Browser Mode
•DSP Equalizer
•Lockscreen Customizations
•Lockscreen Gestures
•Fully Customized Pull Down Toggles
•Swipe Away Notifications
Check the source for access for the forum thread for this rom. The process is a bit involved and I recommend reading through the entire forum thread before you go any further. Dragonzkiller does say that this is an alpha rom so, as always, flash at your own risk. But with that, sit back, relax and enjoy one of the better known stable roms on your X2.
[via XDA]
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