Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Apple iPad has replaced laptops for 12% of global enterprise users

The Apple iPad has replaced laptops for 12% of global enterprise users

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IDG Connect has finished its "iPad for Business Survey 2012" which is a result of interviews with global IT and business professionals. And the result of the survey shows that many of these enterprise users have put down their laptop and have replaced it with Apple's tablet. The figures show that 12% of those surveyed have replaced their mobile computer with the Apple iPad. 54% said that the iPad has "partly" replaced their laptop and complements the latter. The report says, "If a majority of professionals still use laptops, the iPad has certainly curtailed usage levels. Nearly three-quarters of respondents say that they 'carry their laptop around less' now that they own an iPad."

As far as desktop computers are concerned, the Apple iPad has replaced 6% of these PC's for those IT and business pros who answered the survey. 33% said that the tablet has "partly" replaced their desktop PC. IDG says, "For most, the iPad isn't a substitute for an existing tool or device. Instead, it's a supplement, albeit one with functionality that overlaps with other devices. As a result, the iPad seems to have carved out a niche for itself at the partial expense of several rival form factors." And iPad usage might increase. While reporting its last quarterly figures, Apple revealed in October that 90% of Fortune 500 firms use or are testing the Apple iPad.

Most business users have had to reach into their own wallet to purchase the Apple iPad of those responding to the survey telling IDG that they paid for their own unit. Employees provided the tablet for only 25% of business users involved in the survey. A whopping 79% of the respondents said that they always use the Apple iPad for Web browsing. Reading on the tablet was next with 76% of users checking that off, followed by news consumption at 73% and work communication with 54%.

A look at the survey results shows that a large majority of enterprise users (91%) are doing things with their iPad at home. A slight majority always use the device at work while 40% say it is used sometimes at the office. The Apple iPad is still the most used tablet in the office as figures from last October show that Apple's tablet made up 96% of all tablets activated in the office.

Source: phonearena

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